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~Horses we had or currently have in for training~

Thank you to all of our wonderful clients that keep horses rolling in!!!

~Boston Babe On Fire AKA Punch~

Super cool and fun mare we got to put 30 days on.  This mare is super fun and ready for her jockey to season out!  She is headed to the high school rodeo scene! 

~RWF French Hollywood AKA Sancho~

This dude right here came a long way in the 30 days we had him!  He will be super fun and has a 4wd style!  Very catty! Video is of his first day on barrels at the end of his 30 days with us. 

~Chopped AKA Chop~

2017 super nice son of Agouti in for a couple of weeks.  This dude is willing and coming along great!  Has a very cool style!

~Cee Berry Streak CL AKA Fame~

Super awesome 2016 mare coming on nicely!  They don't come much more wiling than Fame!  She loves her job and looks forward to going and running! She made her debut at the Show Me Cash Futurity!  Ended up 5th in the 2D average!!!  

~DanceWithTheCaptain AKA Willis~

2019 daughter of Team Captain B x 1D own daughter of On The Money Red.  This filly is soooo nice!  Has so much ability!  Definitely see her being a great one!!!  Broke well and starting to look at a barrel now while being hauled along!

~Rare Black Firewater AKA Grim~

8yo Firewater Flit/Rare Bar gelding in for a month.  Started off super hot and taking advantage.  After about 2 and 1/2 weeks he really came around to paying attention and understanding his job.  Should season out to be a really nice horse with consistent riding and hauling.  


~Even ImGetin Ta Fame AKA Flo Jo~

2018 filly by BF Solitude.  Flo Jo still has a lot of growing to do but should make someone a super jam up mare!  Has a ton of athletic ability!

~Cowboys Blue Miss AKA Shadow~

~LKN Angels Envy AKA Angel~

2017 big, beautiful, black filly! Angel is riding awesome and has taken to barrels like a fish to water! She's going to win her owner some Future Fortunes money for sure!!!

~Scarlett~3yo by Corona Fire

Video is of her after 3 weeks with us! Super smart filly that loves having a job!!!

~Streakin Reckless AKA Blondie~

Really nice, willing, and athletic Select Stallion Stakes/Triple Crown 100 4yo mare with a huge motor! Blondie made her debut at the Show Me Cash Futurity!  Finished 6th in 2D average!

~Montana High Dasher AKA Tana~

Super fun filly that loves her job! Will make an exceptional rodeo mare for as gritty as she is!

~Jazzing Ta Fame Jr~

Super nice 4yo that has came a long way! He is going to make his owner a nice one!​


4yo mare

Zing Zang Wonder/Three O Jones bred

Going to make a heck of a rodeo mare!!!

~French Wranglers AKA Farrah~

2016 palomino mare. Sadies frosty drift/sun frost/Grays Starlight bred. On track for 2020 futurities! Will be a turner!!!

~Featured N French AKA KK~

2015 daughter of Frenchmans Feature and out of a Dashin Bye mare. Futurity money earner and she's super cool! KK is so easy and loves her job! She's drawn several 1D checks now up against some salty competition!!!

~Special Bar Money AKA Chrome~

Update! Chrome is the "Feel the Sting" Futurity 2D champion! Congrats to his owners! Thank you for allowing us to run him!

~HS Hollywood Poco AKA Cruiser~

Super nice coming 4yo! We've enjoyed having this guy! He's smart, athletic, and versatile! Will make a great all around dude! Also has a cool, fun style!

~AHQ Black Jack~

Toby has been such a pleasure to bring along! Cruising a nice pattern and is going to make a great horse for his jockey!

~Miss French Roll AKA Selby~

Super awesome and fun 7 year old mare by Frenchmans Feature x Roll the Cash. Talk about easy! This mare is it! Great about everything and was a joy to bring along and season!

~Got Corona AKA Gotti~

~Sheza Tiny Cassanova AKA Roxy~

~Jeweled in Diamonds AKA Pearl~

~Jewels Curious Cat AKA Copper~

~Holme Run Special AKA Holmer~

~Countrys Quick Cash AKA Smoke~

~Manorrubies AKA Blitz~

~MP Chickadee AKA Chick~

~Caribellas Hayday AKA Mitch~

~Val Guy AKA Fly Guy~

~Crazy Fly~

~Fishin For Easy Cash AKA Big Fish~

~Talkin to the Angels AKA Odie~

~Eyebeflyin AKA Blue~

~HCA Smoking Hot Bully AKA Prissy~

~Jazzy Lil Pep AKA Sassy~

~Shezjrslivinledgend AKA Diva~

~HF A Sharp Blonde~

~Cowgirl Ben AKA Cowgirl~

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